How To Use Malas with Mantras

Chanting a mantra while counting with your Mala is an excellent way of focusing your mind on the sound or words you are uttering. Without this, reciting your mantra can be very difficult, as you are bound to make mistakes with counting and pronunciation or lose track of the words you are saying.

Our unique Mala pieces are designed to help you stay focused and mindful while chanting your mantra. They guide you to stay on track and deepen your meditation practice.

Key Takeaways from the Article

This article will help you understand the working power of incorporating Mala beads in your mantra meditation.

Here are some key takeaways from this article:

  • Mantras are sacred sounds and words, and when chanted, they help you connect to higher spiritual realms.
  • The power of mantra chanting lies in intent and repetition.
  • Deciding what mantra to chant is personal. Choose a mantra that aligns with your intentions.
  • Using your Mala during mantra meditation is an excellent way of focusing your mind on your chant.

Understanding Mantra

Mantras are sacred sounds, words, or phrases that possess high transformative and spiritual powers and are often chanted loudly or silently in a repeated or meditative manner to invoke specific energies, connect with a divine being, or attain spiritual growth.

It dates back to ancient India around 1500 BCE during the Vedic period when Sages known as Rishis started chanting ancient sounds and hymns they composed. 

Mantras are an integral part of Hinduism, Buddhism, and other religious and non-religious traditions around the globe. 

In Hinduism, mantras play a significant role in rituals, invoking deities and seeking blessings, while in Buddhism and other spiritual traditions, they are part of meditation techniques.

Types Of Mantras

Hindus, Buddhists, and other Indian traditions chant different types of mantras. Below are the trendy ones:

Om: This famous mantra is believed to be the sound of the universe that can connect you to the divine  and represent the essence of all creation

Om Mani Padme Hum: This Buddhist mantra purifies the mind and heart and awakens your innate capacity for empathy and understanding.

Om Gum Ganapatayei Namaha: This Hindu mantra powers Ganesha, the god of wisdom, knowledge, and new beginnings. It’s believed to help remove obstacles and bring success in all areas of life.

Om Namah Shivaya: This mantra honors and summons Shiva’s power to help release negative energy and promote inner peace.

So Hum: This ancient mantra translates to “I am that” and represents a connection to your authentic self. It helps you unfold the layers of illusion and connect with your true essence.

Om Shanti: This mantra means “be one with peace.” It helps calm and tranquilize the mind and body.

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu: This mantra translates to “May all beings everywhere be happy and free.” It’s a powerful mantra that promotes love, compassion, and global unity.

Apart from these well-known mantras by Buddhist and other Indian spiritual traditions, the widespread acceptance of mantras by different religious and non-religious societies, mantras have evolved from these to simple words and statements like;

I am Loved.

I am Calm.

I am full of light.

I have an abundance mindset.

I attract only good things.

I am optimistic; I look to my future with hope and peace in my heart.

I choose my thoughts.

With time and effort, I will achieve

I am courageous

I radiate beauty, charm, and grace.

I feel joy and contentment.

I am unshakable

I trust myself

I am confident

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Choosing a Mantra

Meditating with the right mantra is an essential factor in the quality of your practice. The sounds or phrases you use should resonate with your intention and energy.

Choosing a mantra is personal, as different mantras resonate with individuals in various ways.

Below are some factors to consider when choosing a mantra:

Intention and Purpose

Behind every mantra meditation are specific intentions. The intentions could be finding love, having peace of mind, healing, or coming into abundance. 

Whatever your intentions, it's good to reflect on what you hope to achieve and choose the perfect mantra.

Also, it makes it easier to choose the right Mala for your mantra meditation practice.

Personal Resonance

Choosing a mantra is personal. A mantra that worked for someone may likely not work for you. Choose a significant mantra that resonates with you deeply and induces positive feelings whenever you are chanting it.

Meaning and Symbolism

Choose mantras whose meanings and symbols align with the intentions you want to manifest.

Using Malas with Mantras

Infusing Mala with your Mantra meditation is an excellent way to increase focus.

Here are some tips that will guide you on how to use your Mala during your mantra meditation:

Find a comfortable and quiet space. A peaceful space blocks out the noise and distraction during mantra meditation and helps you become more focused, grounded, and relaxed when chanting your mantra.

Also, ensure you are seated in a good posture that comforts your back.

Choose your Mala: Use Malas whose energetic properties and colors resonate with the intention of your mantra meditation practice.

Choose Your Mantra: Now that you have your quiet and comfortable meditation space plus your chosen mantra, it's time to choose one that aligns with your intentions.

Start Meditating: Once all the above is set, start your mantra meditation with your 'ala. 

To do this,  you place your Mala  between your thumb and middle finger, ensuring you do not touch the index finger, which is considered your "ego or accusing finger."

Then start with the first bead after the Guru bead, and bring it towards you, moving your thumb and middle finger while chanting your mantra.

When you've finished going around, you either stop or flip your Mala to continue.

Please focus on the mantra: When meditating, you will notice your mind will begin to wander; it’s okay.

However, when you focus on the mantra and the rhythmic movement of your hands touching the Mala meads, you can quickly shift your attention back to your meditation practice.

Regular Practice: The easiest way to get the best result from your mantra meditation is to make it a regular practice.

Do it at your own pace and be consistent.

Benefits of Mantra Practice

The benefits of chanting a mantra while meditating are enormous and cut across both the spiritual and physical realms.

Some of the benefits are listed below:

Physical Benefits

Improved Focus: The continual chanting of mantras helps bring your mind into a state of focus and concentration. 

Stress Reduction: Mantra chanting helps induce calm and deep relaxation in your body, reducing stress and promoting overall well-being.

Regulates Breathing: Mantra chanting always involves controlled breathing patterns, which helps regulate your breath and enhance oxygen flow.

Spiritual Benefits

Spiritual Connection: Chanting mantras helps you connect with higher realms, enabling you to align with and access higher levels of consciousness.

Deepened Meditation: Mantra chanting is a powerful tool to quiet the mind during meditation, fostering a deeper spiritual connection.

Increased Awareness: Mantra chanting helps you improve your self-awareness and mindfulness, fostering a sense of inner and spiritual growth.


Mantra chanting is an excellent way of transforming your mind and strengthening your spiritual growth, especially when combined with Mala beads; it makes you stay consistent and serves as your spiritual companion and reminder.

Every time you see your Mala, you are reminded of your mantra. I recommend you shop our beautiful hand-crafted gemstone Malas from our collection, 
